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Controversial Dota 2 player accused of boosting to improve behavior score, faces permanent ban – eSports

Controversial Dota 2 Streamer Accused of Boosting to Manipulate Behavior Score, Faces Permanent Ban

A highly controversial Dota 2 streamer, known for their controversial behavior, is currently facing allegations of engaging in boosting to manipulate their behavior score. This streamer, who has a significant following on various platforms, is now at risk of being permanently banned from the game.

Boosting is a practice where players pay to have someone else play on their account in order to increase their rank or improve their in-game statistics. In this case, it is alleged that the streamer boosted their account to manipulate their behavior score, which is a measure of their in-game conduct. By boosting their score, the streamer could potentially avoid being placed in games with toxic or disruptive players.

The allegations against the streamer were brought to light by members of the Dota 2 community who had observed suspicious behavior in their recent games. The community members provided evidence, including screenshots and gameplay footage, suggesting that the streamer had indeed engaged in boosting.

Valve, the developer of Dota 2, has a strict policy against boosting and other forms of cheating. Boosting not only undermines the integrity of the game but also creates an unfair playing field for other players. As a result, those found guilty of boosting can face severe consequences, including permanent bans.

If the allegations against the streamer are proven to be true, they could face a permanent ban from Dota 2. This would not only impact their ability to stream the game but also potentially harm their reputation within the gaming community. Fans of the streamer have expressed their disappointment and concern regarding the allegations.

Valve has not yet made an official statement regarding the situation, but it is expected that they will conduct a thorough investigation into the allegations. They have a history of taking action against those found guilty of boosting and cheating, so it is likely that appropriate measures will be taken if the allegations are substantiated.


Controversial actions have landed a Dota 2 streamer in hot water, as they face accusations of boosting to manipulate their behavior score. This practice violates the rules set by Valve and may result in a permanent ban from the game. The community awaits the outcome of the investigation with anticipation and concern.

Dota 2, streamer, boosting, behavior score, permanent ban, Valve, allegations