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Conflicting statements from Tundra players regarding a prominent TI11 meme

Tundra Esports Faces Backlash Over Fata’s Removal

In January 2022, Fata was abruptly kicked from Tundra Esports, sparking a wave of controversy. Initially, the team stayed quiet while Fata expressed his disappointment. However, the team’s coach, Aui_2000, reignited the debate in his recent blog post, prompting responses from Sneyking and Neta “33” Shapira.

Statements Confirm Fata’s Side

Tundra’s decision to bring up the drama surprised fans, but each statement revealed more information that aligned with Fata’s version of events. Despite attempts to spin the situation differently, the statements all ultimately supported Fata’s side.

Coach Aui_2000 Speaks Out

In a morning statement, Aui_2000 explained that Fata never saved Sneyking’s spot on the team. This discussion continued on Twitter, with Tundra’s current captain, Sneyking, joining in.

Sneyking’s statement supported Fata’s story, confirming that Fata had been vetoing attempts to kick other players. This led to Fata being kicked himself.

Timeline of the Fata Kick

In conjunction with 33’s follow-up statement, fans pieced together a timeline of events based on the contradicting stories from Tundra players:

  • After The International 10, Saksa reached out to 33 to potentially join the team without OG’s TI-winning roster.
  • Fata was informed but didn’t want to kick anyone or change the team’s core. It seemed like Tundra’s plan was to replace Sneyking with Saksa or move Fata to a coaching position, which was odd considering they already had a coach.
  • Despite not adding Saksa, Tundra’s performance fell short of their expectations.
  • At some point, more players became aware of Saksa’s desire to join the team, or Aui_2000 was made aware and authorized the roster change.
  • The team bypassed the captain and took the matter to the organization with Aui_2000’s permission.
  • Although Tundra wasn’t initially happy with kicking their captain, they ultimately agreed as the majority wanted to play with Saksa.

The explanations from Tundra’s members only confirmed Fata’s initial claims but were accompanied by rationalizing tweets.

Sneyking compared the situation to the infamous Fly-n0tail betrayal, where Fly left OG for the benefit of both teams. Sneyking believed Fly’s actions should be commended, despite the initial backlash he faced.

Regardless of who is right or wrong, roster changes and kicks of this magnitude are common in all sports. Sometimes sacrifices must be made, and it’s challenging to handle these delicate matters in a way that satisfies everyone.

Tundra Esports, Fata, kick, controversy, Aui_2000, Sneyking, Neta “33” Shapira, roster change, Saksa, captain, organization.