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A Dota 2 support player is making waves at TI 2023 – but in a different role

The Rise of Dazzle in Dota 2’s The International Playoffs

The highly anticipated playoff bracket of Dota 2’s The International is about to begin, and all eyes are on Dazzle, the popular pink Shadow Priest who has had incredible success in the group stage. Surprisingly, Dazzle is not being played as a supporting pick, but rather as a core hero in the mid lane.

According to stats site Spectral, Dazzle has won five out of six games in the mid lane, making him the top-performing hero in that position.

While Dazzle’s success is evident in professional play, regular ranked players have yet to catch on. According to Dotabuff, 71% of Dota players still prefer to pick Dazzle as a hard support.

Dazzle the Shadow Priest from Dota 2, a pink shaman creature, summons a ball of light while holding a scythe-like staff.
The Shadow Pries is wrecking the mid lane at TI 2023. Image via Valve

What sets Dazzle apart from other heroes is the recent series of buffs he received. From stat boosts to ability enhancements, Dazzle has become a formidable hero in the midgame.

One crucial upgrade is the rework of his Aghanim’s Scepter, which now causes Shadow Wave to bounce to nearby units while performing an auto-attack. This change significantly increases his damage output.

A typical build for Dazzle includes Aghanim’s Scepter, Power Treads, Yasha, and Manta Style for mobility, attack speed, and illusion creation. Additional item choices depend on the specific game and enemy composition.

Dazzle proves to be an effective counter against melee mid-lane heroes who rely on last-hitting creeps. His Shadow Wave combined with Poison Touch provides burst damage and slows, keeping heroes like Primal Beast, Pangolier, and Kunkka at a distance.

Despite his prominence in the competitive scene, Dazzle faces frequent bans in The International, making it challenging to secure him during the draft. However, his success is sure to attract more interest in pub games.