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A Beginner’s Guide to Watching Dota 2 Esports

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For fans, Dota 2 is a fast-paced, five-per-side game that combines equal parts frenzied play and deep strategy. For most other people, it’s best described as difficult.

Known for its steep learning curve, Dota 2 remains a beloved MOBA and esports title. While player counts have fallen, competitive viewership has risen.

There’s a good reason for that. Dota 2 remains a thrilling spectacle, and you don’t have to be an expert to enjoy watching it. To help make your first viewing experience easier, here’s a guide to help you get started with Dota 2.

Where to Watch Dota 2


Competitions don’t happen all the time, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic causing cancellations and postponements. But you can catch the upcoming WeSave! Charity Play tournament, featuring 24 top Dota 2 teams.


If you want to start watching Dota 2 right now, head over to Twitch and find a popular streamer. They’re usually entertaining or highly skilled at the game.

Getting to Know the Heroes

Image via Valve

There are 119 unique heroes in Dota 2. Each hero has a set of skills and an ultimate ability. They acquire these skills as they gain experience throughout the game.

The ultimate ability is a powerful skill that heroes can use once they reach a specific level. These abilities can turn the tide of a battle and create exciting moments.

The Drafting Process

In Dota 2, teams draft heroes instead of players. The drafting process involves picking and banning heroes in a mode called Captain’s Mode.

Understanding the Gameplay

Image via Dota 2 Wiki

In Dota 2, two teams compete on an asymmetrical map divided into Radiant and Dire sides. The objective is to destroy the enemy team’s Ancient, a building located in their base.

The game is not limited by time or rounds and can last from 15 minutes to several hours. Each team fights to control the map, push lanes, and destroy towers on their way to the enemy Ancient.

The Importance of Lanes

At the start of the game, heroes usually split up and go to different lanes: top, middle, and bottom. Creeps, mindless minions, spawn in each lane and provide gold and experience when killed.

Last Hits, Denies, Gold, and Experience

Last-hitting refers to dealing the final blow to an enemy creep to earn gold. Denying means denying the enemy team gold and experience by killing your own allied creeps.

Earning gold and experience is crucial for heroes to become stronger. Gold is used to purchase items that enhance their abilities, while experience helps heroes level up and improve their skills.

Dota 2 heroes can be categorized as cores or supports. Cores focus on farming and benefit the most from items. Supports have powerful spells and support their team without requiring many resources.

Towers and Objectives

Each lane has three towers that teams must destroy to gain an advantage. Taking down towers grants gold and opens up the map for more strategic movements.

Dota 2 is an area control game, and teams fight for control of the map by taking down towers and securing objective areas.

Teleportation is an important mechanic in Dota 2. The Town Portal Scroll allows players to quickly move across the map to specific locations, usually to help teammates or defend objectives.

Kills and Deaths

While deaths are not the end in Dota 2, they have consequences. Killing an enemy hero grants gold and prevents them from participating in the game for a period of time.

Players can buyback using their gold to immediately respawn, but it has limitations and risks associated with it.

Timings and Items

Teams strategize around timings in Dota 2. Certain items can significantly impact a hero’s effectiveness, and teams aim to reach specific power spikes in the game.

Common Terminology

Active and passive: Active skills and items require activation, while passive ones automatically take effect.

Ancients: Refers to both the large building in each base and the powerful neutral creeps located on the map.

CS: Stands for creep score and is used to measure last hits and denies.

CD: Short for cooldowns, which is the time it takes for an ability or item to become available after being used.

Farming: The act of earning gold by killing creeps.

Ganking: Ambushing and killing an enemy hero, usually with a numerical advantage.

High ground: Areas that are elevated and provide vision advantages.

Jungle: Forested areas on the map containing neutral creeps that can be killed for gold and experience.

Pushing: Clearing out lanes and attacking towers in an attempt to destroy them.

Stay Ahead in Dota 2

Now that you have a basic understanding of the game, you’re ready to start watching and appreciating Dota 2. Enjoy the excitement and strategic depth of this popular esports title.

Esports, Dota 2, esports viewership, Dota 2 heroes, Dota 2 gameplay, Twitch, Dota 2 tournaments