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David Beckham’s Guild Esports introduces education course to empower parents on gaming and online safety

David Beckham's Guild Esports introduces education course to empower parents on gaming and online safety

About the Parental Power Up programme by Guild Esports

Guild Esports has announced the launch of its Parental Power Up programme, aimed at educating parents about online gaming and ensuring their children’s safety. The programme is curated by industry experts and equips parents with the necessary tools and knowledge to protect their children while gaming online.

The importance of online safety for gaming parents

A recent report by Ofcom highlighted that 72% of children aged 8-17 play video games online, but 22% of parents do not supervise their children’s online activity. This lack of supervision has resulted in 22% of children interacting with strangers while gaming. Additionally, 71% of parents express concern about the content their children are exposed to online.

The features of the Parental Power Up programme

Parents who enrol in the Parental Power Up programme will undergo training exercises to enhance their gaming skills and engage in practice sessions with their children. The programme, designed by Kit Brunswick, Guild Esports’ Head of Player Pathway and Safeguarding, utilizes the popular game Fortnite as the basis for many activities. It also includes safeguarding masterclasses to educate both parents and children about online security.

Testimonials from parents

Jed Leicester, a parent who participated in the pilot scheme, praised the programme for highlighting potentially harmful concepts and scenarios in gaming. He stated that with the right guidance, the virtual and real worlds can happily coexist.

The Sky Guild Gaming Centre experience

As part of the programme, parents will have the opportunity to visit the Sky Guild Gaming Centre in London. They will learn how to engage with their children, set boundaries, and conduct themselves responsibly in online spaces. This initiative extends Guild Esports’ efforts to educate the local community about gaming, mental health, and nutrition through the Sky Guild Gaming Centre.

Guild Esports’ commitment to parental education

The CEO of Guild Esports, Jasmine Skee, emphasized the importance of upskilling parents alongside providing training for children. She stated that as the gaming industry grows, parents must have a broad understanding of esports and be digitally savvy. The Parental Power Up programme aims to foster this understanding and promote bonding between parents and children through gaming.

Enroll in the Parental Power Up programme

Guild Esports will regularly roll out the Parental Power Up programme after a successful pilot. Parents interested in learning more about gaming and esports are invited to register their interest in participating in upcoming programmes by emailing.