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“We can’t pass it up”: BRACE, BNK don’t regret missing DH Melbourne for CS2 in Europe

Bad News Kangaroos: Missing Home, Chasing Dreams

Competing at LAN events in front of a home crowd is a dream scenario for any Counter-Strike team. For the Aussie squad, Bad News Kangaroos, this dream was nearly within reach at the ESL Challenger Melbourne clash with ESL Pro League Season 19 in Malta. However, missing out on their home tournament was a bitter pill to swallow for captain Toby “BRACE” Barnes.

European Ambitions Over Aussie LANs

Despite the disappointment of missing out on competing in front of their Aussie fans, BRACE expressed his willingness to forego local LAN opportunities for the chance to face off against the best teams in Europe. “Finding out we were missing DreamHack was pretty gutting,” BRACE admitted, highlighting the prestige of the event on their annual calendar.

Seizing Opportunities for Growth

As BRACE reflected on his experience pulling on the purple and white jersey for Vertex in front of a packed Rod Laver Arena, he acknowledged the sacrifices required to compete at the highest level. Transitioning from a structured organization to the independent BNK moniker has presented challenges, but also unique opportunities for growth and development.

Embracing the European Circuit

BRACE emphasized the importance of seizing the massive opportunities presented by European events like ESL Pro League. The exposure to top-tier competition and the chance to hone their skills on an international stage outweigh the allure of local LAN events. BRACE’s focus remains on paving the way for the next generation of Australian talent, providing hope for aspiring players in the region.

BNK’s journey, marked by organizational changes and personal sacrifices, underscores the resilience and determination of the team. Despite the obstacles they face, BRACE and his teammates remain committed to their CS2 dream and the pursuit of excellence in the competitive scene.

Adapting and Evolving with New Talent

Integrating new fifth Damon “damyo” Portelli into the BNK lineup has been a focus for the team, with BRACE praising the young rifler’s adaptability and proactive approach to problem-solving. As they navigate the challenges of roster changes and tactical adjustments, BRACE and his teammates remain steadfast in their pursuit of success.

Looking Ahead: Resilience and Growth

Despite facing elimination in the ESL Pro League, BRACE remains focused on the valuable lessons learned from competing against top-tier teams. The team’s resilience and adaptability will be put to the test as they strive to secure their spot in the competition. As Bad News Kangaroos continue to chase their dreams on the global stage, their journey is a testament to the passion and dedication of the Australian CS2 community.