Photo of author Players Sign Four-Year Contract Extensions Counter-Strike: Global Offensive team renews contract

The CS:GO team has maintained the same roster since 2014, making them one of the longest-standing rosters in esports.

Continuing this trend, the organization announced on their Facebook page that the roster has renewed their contract for four more years on Dec. 17. This marks the largest agreement between players and organization in esports history in terms of both duration and contract value.

The General Manager of, Roman Dvoryankin, expressed his excitement about the event:

“I am pleased to announce that our CS:GO roster has signed a groundbreaking new agreement with the organization. The best team in the world will continue to play for us for the next four years. I am confident that we will achieve many victories and positive moments, as well as face challenges. I want to thank the players for their professional approach to the negotiations. It was quite difficult, but we managed to reach a win-win solution. These agreements are a step towards implementing more understandable and civilized esports rules. Organizations and players work together for their fans. We are particularly delighted that the legendary players from the well-known ‘Golden Five’ and their younger teammates will continue to play for until the end of 2020.”

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