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TSM Relyks: Exploring His Contributions

Skyler “Relyks” Weaver Joins Team SoloMid

Last night, Skyler “Relyks” Weaver, a recently released player from Orlando, Florida, joined Team SoloMid. This new roster includes Semphis, FNS, SicK, Twistzz, Relyks, and Valens as their coach.

Relyks is replacing Timothy “autimatic” Ta, who was a part of the original TSM lineup formed by players from different organizations, including compLexity Gaming. Autimatic was a consistent player that contributed to TSM’s performance, allowing talented players like twistzz to shine.

On the other hand, Relyks stayed with the Enemy team until the transition to Selfless. He proved to be a reliable player for Selfless, maintaining stability within the team until the ESL Pro League.

During the Pro League, Selfless had a rough start. They lost both matches against Echo Fox (13-16 and 14-16) and suffered an even worse defeat against Immortals (1-16 and 8-16). They also played against the new Australian Winterfox, winning the first map 16-13 but losing the second map 16-19 in overtime.

Disappointed with the team’s performance, Relyks left the organization. Selfless now plays with their former sixth backup player, Kaboose.

Team SoloMid gains a stable player in Relyks, who can also deliver impactful plays when necessary. While not internationally experienced, Relyks has faced off against teams like C9 domestically, often pushing the game to overtime.

With the NA Shuffle behind us, we eagerly await the next chapter and wish Relyks good luck on TSM.

What do you think Relyks will bring to TSM and how will he impact the other teams in the ESL Pro League? Share your thoughts by commenting below or tweeting us at @GAMURScom.

If you have any criticism, requests, or ideas, you can reach me on Reddit (/u/stitchtv), Twitter (@stitchCSGO), or email me at [email protected].