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The Brazil Reality Check: Exposing North America’s Excuses

Tempo Storm and Luminosity Prove North American Counter-Strike Excuses Irrelevant

Brazilian Counter-Strike has surpassed North American Counter-Strike in terms of internationally relevant teams, raising questions about the excuses North Americans have used for their lack of success compared to their European counterparts.

Rise of Tempo Storm and Luminosity

Tempo Storm, the second best Brazilian team and sister team to Luminosity, has achieved a top 10 ranking. They won a tier two event, finished top six at a tier one event, and outperformed top North American teams at Dreamhack Austin.

Breaking Down the Excuses

Let’s examine the excuses North American teams have made and how Tempo Storm and Luminosity have debunked them:

Excuse #1: Lack of Practice with Europeans

North American teams claimed they couldn’t practice with top European teams regularly, which put them at a disadvantage. However, Luminosity’s success came from practicing in North America and adapting European tactics to fit their own style.

Excuse #2: Jet Lag

In 2015, no North American team made it out of the group stage at majors, while Luminosity consistently reached the quarter-finals. Despite the strain of travel, Luminosity found success in European tournaments.

Excuse #3: Lower Salaries

North American teams argued that their lower salaries hindered their ability to practice and compete. However, Luminosity’s success proved that hunger and dedication were more important than high salaries.

Excuse #4: Lack of Experienced Players

North American teams often claimed that the talent pool lacked experienced players. However, Brazilian teams like KaBuM and Luminosity developed rookie players who became top performers.

Excuse #5: Lack of Star-Level Talent

North America was criticized for lacking star-level talent, while the Brazilian teams consistently developed new talent by making tough decisions and giving potential players a chance to shine.

Excuse #6: Lack of Strong In-Game Leaders

North America struggled to find strong in-game leaders, but Luminosity’s FalleN and Tempo Storm’s boltz stepped up and succeeded in leading their teams to victory.

Overcoming Obstacles

The excuses North American teams made are just setbacks that can be overcome with the right attitude and dedication to improvement. Tempo Storm and Luminosity have shown that winners find a way to succeed, while losers make excuses.