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Preview of ESL One Cologne Quarterfinals

Preview of the Quarterfinal Matches at Lanxess Arena

After two days, the eight teams that will compete at the Lanxess Arena for the $250,000 prize pool have been determined. In this preview, we will focus on the possible maps that will be played and the key players who need to perform well to give their team the edge.

Envyus vs Na’vi

This is expected to be one of the most interesting quarterfinal matchups, as both Envy and Na’vi have a lot to prove at this major tournament.

Envy is likely to ban out Overpass, as they have consistently removed it in previous matches, and Na’vi is currently the strongest team on this map.

Na’vi, on the other hand, will probably ban Cache, as they rarely play it.

Envy is expected to pick Inferno, as they have historically performed well on this map. Na’vi, on the other hand, struggles on Inferno, so Envy has a good chance of winning this map.

The next map, Na’vi is likely to pick Mirage, which is one of their strongest maps. Envy has not played Mirage much, so Na’vi has the advantage here.

As for the third map, it will be randomly selected from Cobblestone, Dust 2, and Train. All of these maps are balanced, so it could go either way for both teams.

TSM vs Kinguin

After their surprising win against Cloud9 in the group stage, Kinguin is facing TSM in the quarterfinals.

TSM is expected to ban Cache, as Kinguin has been very strong on this map. Kinguin, on the other hand, should ban Overpass, as they have consistently removed it in previous matches.

Kinguin has a good chance of winning on Train or Dust 2, as they have performed well on these maps. However, TSM is also strong on these maps, so it will be a tough matchup.

The other maps will likely favor TSM, as Kinguin has not had good results on Inferno, Mirage, or Cobblestone.

Virtus.Pro vs NiP

This matchup is between two teams that were once at the top but have struggled recently. VP has an advantage in the pick/ban phase, as NiP has historically not been good at it.

VP is likely to ban Inferno, as NiP is strong on this map. NiP will probably ban Overpass, as they never play it.

VP will likely pick Train, one of their strongest maps. NiP will probably pick Cache, which is a 50/50 matchup for both teams.

If the deciding map is between Cobble, Dust 2, and Mirage, VP should win on Mirage, while Cobble and Dust 2 are 50/50 matchups.

Fnatic vs Luminosity Gaming

In the last quarterfinal matchup, Fnatic, the best team in the world, is facing Luminosity. Fnatic has an advantage in the pick/ban phase, as they can play every map well.

Fnatic is likely to ban Overpass or Cobble, as Luminosity has performed well on these maps. Luminosity will probably ban Mirage or Train, as they rarely play them.

If the deciding map is Cobble or Inferno, Luminosity might have a chance of winning. However, if it is Dust 2, Fnatic is expected to win convincingly.

Overall, Fnatic is the stronger team and is expected to win against Luminosity.