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NRG Releases Coach Peacemaker

Luis “Peacemaker” Tadeu Leaves NRG After Disappointing Performance

It has been confirmed that Luis “Peacemaker” Tadeu is leaving NRG. The coach and general manager of the team has made this decision on his own accord. NRG, owned by notable athletes like Shaquille O’Neal and Alex Rodriguez, is not satisfied with the team’s performance. Peacemaker was brought in as a leader to guide the team, not just as an advisor.

Peacemaker’s History of Departures

Peacemaker has a history of leaving teams. He left Tempo Storm, now Immortals, to join the higher-paying Team Liquid. Then, he left Team Liquid to have full control over a team. This suggests that there was more behind his departure from Team Liquid than just a desire to form his own team.

A Talent with Separate Visions

Luis is a talented individual with great insight. However, NRG and Luis had different visions for the future of NRG esports in CS:GO, so they decided to part ways. NRG allowed Luis to pursue other opportunities, expressing their well-wishes for his future endeavors.

Peacemaker’s Regret

While NRG’s statement may indicate satisfaction with Peacemaker, he himself seemed to show some regret. In his Twitlonger, Peacemaker stated that his time with NRG was probably his worst chapter in CS:GO. He left to maintain his principles and is determined to make a comeback next year.

Will Another Team Take a Chance on Peacemaker?

Do you think another team should take a chance on Peacemaker? If so, which team? Let us know in the comments or tweet us @GAMURScom.