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Horvy joins Immortals’ CS:GO roster

Immortals has found a new player for their CS:GO roster, but they still have two more open spots.

The organization has officially announced the signing of João “Horvy” Horvath. Horvy is leaving k1ck Esports Club to join the all-Brazilian roster. He will fill the secondary AWP role and provide support when needed.

Related: Immortals officially benches HEN1 and LUCAS1, terminates kNg’s contract

Horvy’s signing comes after star players Henrique “HEN1” and Lucas “LUCAS1” Teles were benched. They refused to play for Immortals if Vito “kNg” Giuseppe, whose contract was terminated, was not on the team.

The current Immortals lineup includes Horvy, Lucas “Steel” Lopes, and Ricardo “boltz” Prass. The team is still testing other Brazilian players, Lucas “deStiny” Bullo and Bruno “shz” Martinelli from Tempo Storm, to see if they are a good fit. There are also rumors that Caio “zqk” Fonseca will join them, according to HLTV.

“Now it’s time to work hard and bring the team to the top again,” Horvy said on Twitter.

Immortals, Esports, CS:GO, roster, João Horvy Horvath, k1ck Esports Club, all-Brazilian, AWP role, support, benched, HEN1, LUCAS1, kNg, lineup, Steel, boltz, deStiny, shz, Caio Fonseca, top, Twitter.