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Fnatic and GODSENT Reverses Swedish Roster Changes

Fnatic and GODSENT Reverse Lineup Changes

After a disappointing six months, Fnatic and GODSENT have decided to reverse the lineup changes that took place last August.

Veterans Jesper “JW” Wecksell and Robin “flusha” Rönnquist will rejoin the Fnatic team, alongside Olof “olofmeister” Kajbjer Gustafsson, Freddy “KRiMZ” Johansson, and Dennis “dennis” Edman.

The two teams will make a straight swap, with Simon “twist” Eliasson returning to GODSENT and taking Joakim “disco doplan” Gidetun with him.

JW, flusha, and Krimz had originally joined GODSENT in August, while twist and Jonas “Lekr0” Olofsson moved to Fnatic. However, the new lineups failed to perform well, leading to the return of Krimz and Lekr0 to Fnatic.

Despite these changes, both teams still struggled to find success. Fnatic’s only notable performance was a semifinal finish at the ELEAGUE Major, while GODSENT failed to qualify for the playoffs in Atlanta, despite a strong showing at the Major Qualifier.

Both teams will be competing in the IEM Katowice qualifier today, with the new lineups in place. However, twist will not be participating due to a family issue.