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Evaluating allu’s Performance and Advocating for Maikelele

Should NiP Part Ways with allu?

Allu, a professional CS:GO player from Finland, currently plays for the Swedish team NiP. While he has had success in the past, his performance with NiP has been lacking. In this article, we will explore why it may be time for NiP and allu to go their separate ways.

allu was a star player on his previous teams, but when compared to the level of talent on NiP, he falls short. It’s all about relativity. NiP needs someone who can truly shine among their already strong lineup.

Some argue that allu hasn’t been given enough of a chance, but when comparing his tournaments to those of his predecessor Maikelele, the importance is equal. The team’s poor performance at IOS Pantamera cannot be blamed solely on Maikelele, as the entire team struggled. Regardless, NiP is not easily bothered, as evidenced by their casual conversations about inappropriate topics before games.

In terms of skill, it’s clear that Maikelele outshines allu. Maikelele is confident, skilled, and knows when to make impactful plays. allu, on the other hand, is more passive and relies on teammates like f0rest to carry the AWPing duties. Additionally, allu’s rifle skills leave much to be desired.

There is also evidence to suggest that Maikelele was kicked for reasons other than gameplay, as NiP was performing well at the time of his departure. It’s a mystery why allu was brought in to replace him, much like the unexplained disappearance of Roanoke colony. We should not let our lack of knowledge deter us from discussing the situation.

In terms of AWPing, there are many players who surpass allu’s abilities. NiP has the resources and reputation to attract top talent. Bringing back Maikelele would be a logical choice, as he has shown no animosity towards NiP despite being let go.

NiP should let the upcoming PGL CSS determine whether allu deserves another chance or if it’s time to part ways.