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Danish authorities consider imposing jail sentence on Counter-Strike scammer

Virtual Bandit Receives Jail Time for Scamming in Counter-Strike

In Denmark, scamming players in video games can now lead to tangible consequences. A scammer in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive was recently sent to jail after being taken to court by his victims.

Scammer Convicted for Stealing Counter-Strike Skins

The fraudster managed to scam at least two players out of valuable Counter-Strike skins, with one victim losing approximately $230 worth of skins. Both victims filed separate police reports, prompting legal action.

Judgment and Penalties

The scammer was given 30 days of conditional jail time, subject to completing 40 hours of community service and paying compensation of 5000 Danish Kroner (around $750) to the victims.

Victim’s Experience and Court Proceedings

One of the victims, Nicolai “Nille” Pedersen, shared his encounter of being scammed with Pedersen attempted to sell a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive knife and found a buyer who offered around $230. However, the buyer claimed to have made a bank transfer which would go through on Monday, but no money arrived, and the buyer blocked Pedersen. Consequently, Pedersen filed a police report.

Although it may seem unlikely, the case reached court. Pedersen arrived with evidence from Steam, but the judge and the defendant’s lawyer struggled to comprehend the concept of in-game skins. Eventually, a decision was made in favor of Pedersen.

In-Game Skins Gain Serious Attention

Skin trading and betting are lucrative businesses, with fans wagering over $1.8 million in skins on an ELEAGUE match. Consequently, even smaller cases like this are receiving attention from the justice system.

Although surprising, the fact that the court took the case seriously and ruled in favor of the scammed players is a positive sign for the in-game economy.