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CS:GO Players Express Confusion Over Valve’s Addition of ‘Inexpensive Mobile Game’ Feature in Latest Patch

CS:GO Players Express Confusion Over Valve's Addition of 'Inexpensive Mobile Game' Feature in Latest Patch

Valve Releases A Call to Arms Update for Counter-Strike 2

Valve rolled out the A Call to Arms update for Counter-Strike 2 on February 6. The update introduced various new features, including the XP Overload icon. However, players are finding this addition to be meaningless.

Player Confusion Over XP Overload

Just a day after the A Call to Arms update, players took to Reddit to discuss the purpose of XP Overload. Many fans fail to see its significance in the game as it doesn’t have any impact other than demonstrating their regular gameplay over the past week. Consequently, players are referring to it as “a cheap mobile game thing” that doesn’t belong in a competitive game like CS2.