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CS:GO Montage Sets 258 “Juan Deag” Kills to the Can-Can Song

Jacques Offenbach’s “Orpheus in the Underworld” Turns into CS:GO Frag Movie

The famous Can-Can song from Jacques Offenbach’s “Orpheus in the Underworld” usually accompanies high-kicking dancers on a Broadway stage. However, it found a new form of entertainment as the soundtrack for a frag movie in the game CS:GO.

In CS:GO, “Juan Deag” refers to the act of killing an enemy with a single bullet from the Desert Eagle, similar to a “One Tap” from an AK-47. Achieving a Juan Deag requires practice, skill, and patience, as timing the weapon accuracy after strafing is challenging. Alternatively, players can crouch and spray for better accuracy, which is less difficult to master.

Hitting Juan Deag shots is highly satisfying due to the high skill ceiling involved. Once players land one successful shot, their thirst for more grows.

Raytsou, the fragger who compiled the kills, used a skinless Deagle to headshot 258 players on various CS:GO maps. The video titled “258 Deags” is a play on words for “One Deag.” Most of the clips were from Dust II, but there were also shots from Inferno, Overpass, Cobblestone, and Mirage. The maps Nuke and Train were excluded.

The shots in the video are synced with the symphonic tune, maintaining the rhythm and timing. Although some timings were slightly off, it doesn’t diminish the amount of time and effort put into creating this montage. It’s akin to a work of art. As Raytsou mentioned on Reddit, “I’ve had Can-Can music play at half speed stuck in my head for a few months now.”

Raytsou revealed that this project took about four months to complete on a smurf account. Smurf accounts are secondary accounts used by many players to compete at lower ranks than their primary account. Smurfs are often frowned upon due to the skill disparity they create between players.

“Yes, I used a smurf account, but without it, I never would’ve finished this video,” admitted Raytsou. “You can judge me for that.” Fortunately, using only a Deagle on a smurf account is far less unethical than dominating with all available guns.

Raytsou further acknowledged, “They kind of balance each other out since I’m pretty inconsistent with the Deagle, but that’s not much of an excuse. I was selfish and just wanted to pump this video out as fast as I could, and I really felt bad for the lower tier people who I played with or against.”

Despite the ethical questions surrounding the creation of the video, the end result speaks for itself. It stands as one of the most satisfying Counter-Strike videos ever made.

CS:GO, frag movie, Juan Deag, Desert Eagle, One Tap, Jacques Offenbach, Orpheus in the Underworld, symphonic tune, Dust II, Inferno, Overpass, Cobblestone, Mirage, Nuke, Train, smurf account, ethical concerns, Counter-Strike.