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CS2 players long for CS:GO’s lost ‘user-friendly’ features and hope for their return via Valve

CS2, the successor to the popular game CS:GO, received mixed reviews from fans. While Valve tried to bring back old features and offer new ones, many players still miss the “good old days” of CS:GO.

A recent Reddit thread emphasized the freedom of customisation in CS:GO, as well as the myriad console commands available. The thread, which was started on May 16th, highlights console commands that are no longer available or have changed in CS2. These include options like r_cleardecals and ViewmodelRecoil, as well as quick left-right switching. The video also discusses the fully adjustable Bob settings and map-based factions. Although some of these features have been resurrected in CS2, they are vastly different from their CS:GO equivalents, with limited scope and customization.

Many players who participated in the discussion expressed nostalgia for the recoil and old bob settings. These directives have a significant impact on weapon behavior and the overall sensation of utilizing a firearm. They enabled individual customisation, adapting to various playstyles and tastes. However, the ClearDecals command caused a discussion among participants, with some claiming that it gave those who knew about it an unfair edge.

Fortunately, the issue may be fixed by Valve putting the ClearDecals function in the official Game Settings menu. This would ensure that all players are aware of its presence and can use it as needed. Valve has previously dealt with “obscure” commands and bindings in a similar fashion, such as the grenade crosshair, which was made available to everyone by default.

Finally, the decision is in Valve’s hands. Many commands were removed during the transition from CS:GO to CS2, and the ones listed above are only a few examples. However, Valve has demonstrated a willingness to experiment with restoring user-friendly features, as evidenced by the left-handed viewmodel. There is still hope that they will bring back additional functions, even if they work differently in the current game.

Finally, CS:GO users continue to talk about the customization possibilities and console commands that made the game distinctive. While CS2 has tried to match their expectations, there is still room for growth. Fans hope Valve will listen to their criticism and return more user-friendly features in the future.