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CS2 players offer solutions to improve second-round economy issues

Addressing Imbalances in the Competitive Economy of Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2 players have been raising concerns about the imbalance in the game’s competitive economy system. They believe that the current system has led to the decline of CT sides and the dominance of T sides. In response to these concerns, players have made suggestions on how Valve, the developers of the game, should address this issue.

T-side round wins have seen a slight increase since the transition from CS:GO. According to HLTV, the overall gap between T-side wins and CT-side wins has narrowed from 48.6 to 49.6 percent across various maps. However, certain maps, such as Ancient, Nuke, and Vertigo, have experienced more significant shifts in favor of the Ts. Many attribute this change to the adoption of the shorter MR12 format, which puts CTs at a disadvantage because they have to spend more on their main rifles and defuse kits.

Players have expressed their frustration with the current CT economy in online discussions. One player shared their experience from a match between FaZe and Liquid at IEM Chengdu. Despite winning the pistol round, the CTs were unable to match the firepower of the Ts in the second round. The loss of the loss bonus and the inability to recover quickly have made CTs vulnerable to early game swings.

The CT economy suffers even further when the Ts forcebuy Galil’s or MAC-10s, which can be effective against CTs with subpar equipment. A loss against a T forcebuy can leave the CT economy in shambles, taking multiple rounds to recover fully. Every round becomes crucial in the shorter format of CS2.

This issue of economy imbalance has been highlighted by professional players since the launch of CS2. While pro statistics may not reflect the experience of casual matchmaking, there is a general consensus among players that CTs struggle to convert the second round after winning the pistol round.

Various solutions have been proposed by the player community. One suggestion is for CTs to refrain from buying anything in the pistol and second rounds, ensuring a full buy in the third round even after consecutive losses. Another proposal is to reduce the amount of money awarded to the Ts for planting the bomb, which would give CTs a slight advantage in their economy. Discounting the cost of defuse kits to make them more affordable for CTs has also been suggested.

Furthermore, players propose starting the loss bonus at $1,900 for CTs instead of $1,400. This adjustment would provide CTs with a better chance to stabilize their economy and compete with the Ts on gun rounds.

Valve is aware of these concerns and is expected to address them in upcoming updates. The game’s economy imbalance is just one aspect that needs attention, along with the ongoing issues of cheaters and glitches. Players eagerly await a more balanced and enjoyable gameplay experience.

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