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Counter-Strike: The Negative Impact of an Organization Union on eSports

Are eSports Organizations Taking Advantage of Players?

Professional players have long argued for an eSports player union to protect them from corrupt or irresponsible organizations.

Recently, an alleged email from the CEO of team Na’Vi on behalf of some of the biggest names in eSports to tournament organizers has been circulating. The email outlines a list of demands that teams require to participate in tournaments.

These demands, while seemingly fair at first, become increasingly extreme and almost resemble extortion. It seems that the organization union has a lot of leverage and could potentially exploit players.

However, these demands could have negative consequences for the industry. Tournament organizers may have to host fewer events or reduce prize pools to compensate for the expenses incurred by the teams. In an ideal world, these demands would be provided by the tournament organizers, but it shouldn’t be their sole responsibility.

Furthermore, this email and the organization union have surfaced at the worst possible timing. Turner recently announced a televised eSports league that could potentially attract larger corporations and more funding. If these demands were sent to Turner, it could cause them to reconsider their involvement.

In the worst-case scenario, if organizations continue to demand more, it could jeopardize progress in mainstreaming eSports on television and in theaters.

Instead of relying on an organization union, a properly managed player union would protect players from being taken advantage of. Organizations need to fulfill their responsibilities and prioritize the well-being of their players.

It’s crucial to consider the potential consequences and negative impact of these demands on the overall growth and professionalism of eSports.

What are your thoughts on this issue?

Source: H/T