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AZR expresses surprise at the playing style of The Chiefs.

Australian Team Renegades Faces Disappointing Performance at IEM Sydney

Renegades, one of the few Australian CS:GO teams to have an organization and overseas opportunities, hoped for a triumphant return at IEM Sydney. However, their dreams were shattered as they were beaten in the group stage by FaZe and Astralis, and upset by Chiefs ESC, the Australian side.

Renegades’ Leadership Situation with Nexa as the New Leader

Renegades’ new leader, Nexa, has been building the team around his idea of the game. With Alex as their coach, who is Serbian like Nexa, they are confident in their gamestyle and have been working together to achieve their goals.

The Development of Nexa as a Leader and the Team’s Playstyle

Nexa, who has never been an in-game leader before, is still developing under Kassad’s leadership. His Serbian background and language barrier have presented challenges in decision-making. The team is focused on improving communication, and they have adapted well to Nexa’s leadership. The team’s playstyle has become more methodical and passive compared to their previous aggressive approach.

The Impact of Map Pool on Renegades and their Approach to Veto

Renegades’ map pool has suffered since adding Nexa and Nifty to the team. Limited practice time has affected their performance, and they plan to improve on this aspect. Their philosophy in approaching the veto is to play towards their strengths, but they acknowledge the need to expand their map pool.

Challenges and Growing Pains of Renegades’ New Roster

The team faced hesitancy and miscommunication during their first LAN together, which highlighted the growing pains of a new roster. The absence of their coach further affected their communication. However, they recognize the need to keep working on their mistakes and improving as a team.

Australian Scene Strength and International Scale

Renegades believes that the Australian scene is still lacking compared to the lower part of NA. However, they are optimistic about its improvement. It is difficult to evaluate the Australian scene on an international scale due to limited opportunities to play against other teams.

Reflecting on Australia’s Evolving esports Scene

Renegades is amazed by the growth of the esports scene in Australia. From playing in events with only a few spectators to now performing in front of thousands of cheering fans, they appreciate how the game has attracted a diverse audience.