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A Request to Valve – Urgent Modifications Required

Valve, Listen to the Counter-Strike Community

The Counter-Strike community sometimes acts foolishly and childish. Demands like “I want this” and “Valve please fix” drown out the wisdom within the community. As a member of this community, I apologize. But Valve, you are out of touch with the game despite controlling it. You risk losing more of the playerbase if you don’t make changes soon. Even the most patient and wise players will become angry.

Valve’s Lack of Direction and Community Involvement

Valve, your inability to make beneficial changes to Counter-Strike stems from your lack of direction and community involvement. Whenever we ask for a change, you do the opposite. We need something to be done or said immediately, but you make us wait for a year. To address these issues, I suggest having a project leader, a community spokesperson, and a dedicated team for CS:GO.

The Flaws in Valve’s Approach to Game Development

Valve lacks direction because it operates as an anarchy. There is no oversight or bosses. People do whatever they want. This hippie commune approach to game development has failed. There should be structure and someone responsible for maintaining the game. Valve, you need to make changes and provide better updates. The game should not have overpowered elements like jump scouts or sound changes.

Better Communication and Improvements Needed

Valve, you need to improve communication and provide warnings about changes. A community spokesperson can facilitate communication between the pros and developers. The current system of speaking at Majors isn’t working. Additionally, the sound changes in CS:GO are not desired. The new gun sounds are horrible, and many of the guns sound the same. If you are going to change the sounds, do it right and hire an expert.

The addition of the R8 pistol with its extreme accuracy is nonsensical. The pistols were already overpowered, and the community agrees that they should not be so powerful. Accuracy is a huge problem in CS:GO, and players should be rewarded for positioning and game sense.

Valve’s changes to rifles do not help with accuracy issues, and the movement change on the AWP has negatively affected talented AWPers. The community wants Valve to fix these issues rather than dance around them. The decision to ban coaches without warning and dismiss their role is unfair and reckless.

The community also wants to see a CS:GO International event. Reducing the number of Majors is not the answer. Valve needs to plan an International event for the end of the year to satisfy the community.

The CS:GO community is welcoming and tight-knit. We deserve better and more attentive developers. Valve, you are capable of doing great things in game development. Not everything you have done is bad, and the recent beta is a step forward. If you are more aware of the community and professional scene, many problems can be fixed, and the game can grow even more.