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3sUP CSGO’s DAVEY Participates in Q&A Session

Team Playstyle

I would describe our team’s playstyle as a mix of aggression and passiveness. We can adjust our speed accordingly, but we tend to have better results when we’re being aggressive and in the other team’s face.

Pregame Rituals

Usually, we try to get a scrim or two in before matches. If we can’t do that, then we just deathmatch on our own and listen to some music, just to get warmed up.

Prize Money in CS:GO

I think it’s great and it attracts organizations from other games that previously would not have been interested in CSGO. The extra prize money, alongside the new organizations coming into the scene, allows for more players to play full time.

Ranking Among North American Teams

I personally feel like we are in the top 8 right now. Having practiced against c9 and keyd, who I consider to be the top 2, we’ve had promising results and wins over them in practice. We’ve also managed to beat teams like CLG, Nihilum, and Team Liquid. We know we can compete among the top teams in NA.

Practice Routine

We practice every day of the week except for Fridays and Saturdays. Depending on our upcoming week’s schedule, we may also practice on a Friday or Saturday. During practice, we go over all the smokes we need to know, our default strategies, our executes, roles and responsibilities, and when it’s a good idea to make a play on your own.

Off the Field

When I’m not on my PC, I like to play soccer and hockey a few times a week. I also spend time with my girlfriend, and that’s pretty much it. I’m not very exciting.

Upsets Against Top Teams

We compete against these teams daily in practice, and thankfully it has been transitioning to our matches. They’re all very good teams, and we’re pleased we got the better of them on those days. It shows the effort and commitment we have been putting into practice.

Choosing Gaming Organizations

The value of what the organization is offering us is obviously discussed, but the reputation of the org also weighs heavily on our decision. What have their past teams been like? How have they treated their past players? Can they financially support the offer they’re making us? All of these things come into play. At the end of the day, we just want to be with the right group of people.

America’s Performance at International Events

I think America places poorly at international events because of our practice schedule here. We have a limited number of teams we can practice against at any given time, and it makes practicing difficult. Often, we have to settle for playing against teams we don’t really want to practice against. Whereas the Europeans have a lot more high-level teams to play against. I think if NA had a better practice regimen, as well as longer and more practice, they would be able to compete like we used to. And it’s important that we don’t try to beat the Europeans at their own game. We should play our own style.

Advice for Aspiring Competitive Players

Just keep playing and make sure you’re having fun with the game.

Esports, CS:GO, competitive gaming, North American teams, practice routine, gaming organizations, international events