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Nadeshot pleads with Call of Duty developers for improved anti-cheat while MW3 continues to face cheating problems

Nadeshot pleads with Call of Duty developers for improved anti-cheat while MW3 continues to face cheating problems

Call of Duty MW3 Struggles with Cheaters Despite Efforts

Activision’s Call of Duty MW3 is facing a constant battle against cheaters, despite ongoing efforts to combat them. 100 Thieves co-owner and former professional CoD player Nadeshot recently addressed this issue and made a heartfelt request for change.

Nadeshot Calls Out Activision on Twitter

In a lengthy post on Twitter, Nadeshot expressed his love for the CoD franchise and praised the various bundles and customizations offered by Activision. However, he also highlighted the crippling problem of an ever-increasing number of cheaters in MW3. Nadeshot emphasized that the current anti-cheat system, Ricochet, is inadequate and needs improvement.