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A Beginner’s Guide to Playing Ranked Teams

Welcome to a beginner’s guide to ranked teams for League of Legends. This guide is designed to help beginners get started and achieve the ranked team ward or reach gold. The teams ladder early on is not too intense, but as time goes on, we will delve into more complexities. If you already have an understanding of ranked teams, this guide may not be beneficial to you at the moment.

Finding Players and Mentality

Finding players for your ranked team is not difficult, as there are Reddit subs and League of Legends boards dedicated to this purpose. However, playing with friends is often preferable as there is less pressure and people are less likely to get offended by constructive criticism. It is important to note that the first loss in a team can greatly impact their dynamic, so it’s crucial to keep a level head. If you encounter toxic players, remove them from the team and find someone else.

Shot Calling

Most teams have basic communication in ranked teams, but having a shot calling system can greatly enhance the team’s performance. The shot caller should be someone who is confident in making split-second decisions. There are three main systems of shot calling:

– One Shot Caller: This system requires a lot of experience and knowledge, and is not commonly used. It involves the shot caller making decisions based on information given by the team.
– Two Shot Callers: This system involves two people making decisions for different aspects of the game. For example, one person can handle ganks during the laning phase, while the other takes charge in team fights.
– Chaos: This system involves everyone on the team making decisions, which can lead to confusion and poor team play. It is best to have a defined shot calling system.

Team Compositions

Once you have your team, it’s essential to create a team composition around everyone’s preferred roles and champions. Simple team compositions that focus on team fighting are ideal for lower elo teams. These compositions should have engage power for initiating fights, as well as wave clear and push power for sieging.


Warding is crucial for vision control and preventing the enemy team from gaining an advantage. Each player should contribute to buying vision items, with the marksman opting for a pink ward. Upgraded trinkets and sight stones help keep the map well-warded. For level 1 wards, defensive setups are recommended to avoid potential invades. When invading, it’s important to place a ward on your buff and coordinate with your team to catch the enemy off guard.

Communication in Game

Communication during the game is vital for success. Important information to communicate includes ward placements, summoner spells, and enemy movements. As the game progresses, focus on communicating about creep waves, objectives, and possible wards. Relevant information, such as a champion’s ultimate being down, can also be useful in deciding when to engage in fights.

After Game & Practice

After a game, it’s helpful to discuss key moments that went well or poorly, but it’s important to maintain a positive atmosphere. Practice together or individually to work on specific areas that need improvement. Watching replays can also be beneficial for identifying mistakes and alternative strategies.


– There are no detailed explanations of compositions because each team is unique. Simple compositions are covered in this guide, and more in-depth analyses may be explored in future articles.
– Elo does make a difference, as higher elo players have more game knowledge. However, teamwork and communication can still prevail against higher ranked opponents.
– MMR for teams works based on individual and team performance. The specifics may vary.
– Replays are briefly mentioned, but a separate article dedicated to replays may be more appropriate.
– More complex and in-depth guides may be provided in separate articles.
– Twisted Treeline is not discussed in this guide.
– Match history can be found by following the provided links.

In conclusion, this beginner’s guide provides an overview of ranked teams in League of Legends, covering finding players, shot calling, team compositions, warding/invading, communication, post-game analysis, and practice. As you continue to improve as a team, consider exploring more advanced strategies and compositions.