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Top Urgot Counters in League of Legends

Mastering Urgot: A Top Laner’s Guide

Urgot, the niche top laner in League of Legends, is a valuable addition to specific team compositions. He excels as a melee bruiser and brings a well-rounded kit consisting of damage, crowd control, and utility.

When drafting, Urgot is typically saved for the later stages to round out a team composition or counter the opposing top laner. Teams often pair him with an AP-oriented jungler to maintain a balance between physical and magic damage.

Countering Urgot: Strategies and Champions

Although dealing with Urgot may seem challenging at first, he does have weaknesses that can be exploited during the laning phase. Here are a few counter picks that can significantly impact Urgot’s performance:


Mordekaiser, an often overlooked top lane pick, can excel in matchups against Urgot. His AP-oriented bruiser kit allows him to counter Urgot while providing mixed damage for the team.

During the laning phase, focus on poking Urgot with Obliterate (Q) and utilize the power of Darkness Rise (passive) to win extended trades. With the sustain from Conqueror and Ravenous Hunter, Mordekaiser can come out ahead. As the game progresses, prioritize completing core items like Riftmaker and Demonic Embrace to enhance Mordekaiser’s durability and damage output.

In teamfights, avoid targeting Urgot directly. Instead, prioritize taking down the enemy backline to gain an advantage.


Kled serves as a powerful counter to Urgot due to his built-in healing-reduction effect and mobility.

Use Jousting (E) to dash through minions, escaping Urgot’s engage attempts. Follow up with Bear Trap on a Rope (Q) to deal damage. Kled’s attack speed steroid in Violent Tendencies (W) gives him an advantage in trades as long as he avoids Urgot’s passive shotgun damage.

After winning the laning phase, roam to other lanes using Chaaaaaaaarge!!! (R) to assist teammates and secure objectives. Avoid splitting too much, focus on your team, and leverage Kled’s ultimate for engaging or disengaging fights.


Ornn serves as a defensive counter to Urgot, prioritizing farming and becoming a frontline for the team.

Farm up and acquire Plated Steelcaps and Bami’s Cinder early on to mitigate Urgot’s damage. Trade back if Urgot tries to be aggressive, capitalizing on magic damage to overcome his lack of early magic resist.

As Ornn becomes tankier, look for Teleport plays to support teammates. Match Urgot’s split push and prevent him from gaining a significant advantage. Use Ornn’s ultimate for picks and disengages during teamfights, ensuring a strong frontline presence for your team.

Items to Build Against Urgot

When facing Urgot, consider the following items to maximize your chances of success:

– Plated Steelcaps: Rush these boots to gain extra armor and reduce auto-attack damage.
– Bramble Vest: This item inflicts a healing debuff on Urgot, countering his sustain and damaging him with each attack.
– Sunfire Aegis: A Mythic tank item that helps keep Urgot at bay due to its damage output and stacking effect.
– Goredrinker: This Mythic bruiser item allows for health regeneration during skirmishes, helping you withstand Urgot’s onslaught.
– Black Cleaver: This item provides armor penetration, attack damage, health, and ability haste to effectively deal with Urgot’s high armor.

By utilizing these strategies and incorporating suitable itemization, you can confidently face Urgot in the top lane and secure victory for your team!

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