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Riot unveils upcoming champion balance objectives for Pyke, Skarner, Karthus, Swain, and Tahm Kench

Riot Games is making some balance changes to League of Legends once again. In a small mechanics project, gameplay designer Mark “Scruffy” Yetter has revealed adjustments to five champions.

Pyke’s Support Buffs

Pyke is receiving changes to his kit that will improve his support playstyle without making him overpowered in solo lanes. Previously, the Bloodharbor Ripper dominated the top lane but was later nerfed, specifically his Q and E abilities.

Karthus’s Mid Lane Viability

Karthus will also experience some changes to make him more viable in the mid lane. These adjustments will enable Riot to fine-tune both his mid and jungle builds more easily in the future. Karthus was originally meant for the mid lane, but his strong wave clear and global ultimate made him an attractive jungle option.

Shifting Swain’s Power

Riot intends to shift some power in Swain’s kit to ensure he remains viable at higher levels of play while also maintaining balance at lower ranks. This adjustment aims to make him more viable in both professional play and solo queue.

Tahm Kench’s Solo Queue Viability

Tahm Kench’s power will also undergo a shift to make him more viable in solo queue, not just at the professional level. The River King is favored in pro play due to his exceptional playmaking abilities, especially his global ultimate and saving potential with Devour.

In addition, Skarner will receive quality-of-life changes and adjustments to enhance his effectiveness against tanks and bruiser-type champions.

Scruffy mentioned that a detailed explanation of the upcoming Tahm Kench changes will be provided in tomorrow’s Quick Gameplay Thoughts blog post.