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Effective Strategies for Countering the Updated Assassins in League of Legends

League of Legends Assassin Champions: How to Counter Them

Assassin champions in League of Legends have received a much-needed redesign, making them more flashy and fun to play. However, this has led to an influx of players using them and has completely shifted the meta towards assassins. If you’re not comfortable playing assassins, don’t worry, there are ways to counter them. Here are four tips to help you out.

1) Ward

Warding is a simple yet often overlooked tactic. Assassins rely on mobility and roaming to get kills, so staying vigilant with your wards in key locations like river bushes and tri bushes will make it harder for them to catch you off guard. By spotting them roaming into your lane, you can leave before they arrive, wasting their time and preventing them from snowballing.

2) Hard Crowd-Control

Assassins excel at landing damaging and engaging spells, so interrupting them with stuns, fears, knock-ups, and more can be a game-changer. Having champions on your team with hard crowd-control abilities means more life-saving moments when an assassin tries to chase you down. This gives you an advantage by forcing the assassin to use cooldowns and giving you an opportunity to fight back.

3) Escapes and Disengages

As an alternative to survivability and crowd-control, champions with escaping abilities can be invaluable when facing assassins. Squishy damage-dealers like mages and marksmen may not have the durability to survive encounters with assassins, so having abilities like Vayne’s tumble, Karma’s shield, or Lulu’s speed boost can help you escape their clutches. In this meta, nimble champions will shine while control mages and slower marksmen may struggle.

4) Map Awareness

Map awareness is crucial in any meta, but it’s especially important when dealing with assassins. Train yourself to recognize when a mid laner or jungler is missing and to predict their movements. Assassins can quickly move across the map, so if you see an opponent suddenly missing from their lane, be prepared for them to gank another lane. Regularly scanning the minimap and predicting patterns will help you stay one step ahead.

By utilizing these four strategies, you’ll have a better chance of countering the assassin meta in League of Legends. While the newly-redesigned assassins may be strong, you can gain the edge needed to defeat them.

League of Legends, Assassin champions, counter, ward, crowd-control, escapes, disengages, map awareness