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Unforeseen Champion Surpasses Yasuo and Yone with LoL’s Highest AFK Rate

Sett Surpasses Yasuo as the Top AFK Champion in League of Legends

Yasuo has long been known as the most problematic champion in League of Legends. Many players have encountered toxic individuals who main the champion, and when things don’t go their way, they often leave the match out of frustration. However, there is a new contender who has now taken the crown for the highest AFK (away from keyboard) rate in the game.

Sett, one of the newer champions in the game, has claimed the top spot with a 1.99% AFK rate, according to League stats site League of Graphs. He has overtaken Yasuo by a slight margin of 0.03%, while also surpassing Yone, who currently holds a 1.85% AFK rate in all games.

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Interestingly, Sett’s AFK rate varies depending on the region in which he is being played. In North America, for example, he doesn’t even make it into the top 10 for AFK rates. However, in countries like Korea and Turkey, Sett is the main culprit, ranking in the top three in multiple different regions.

When playing as Sett, it is important to adopt an aggressive playstyle since his abilities are best utilized in the midst of combat. He can stun, punch, and slam his opponents relentlessly, but he is vulnerable to champions with greater mobility and bonus movement speed. Therefore, Sett relies heavily on his teammates to assist him against these champions when his crowd control abilities are on cooldown.

Playing Sett against a highly mobile team composition can be frustrating as it becomes challenging to engage properly. However, there are several strategies to catch up and scale if teamfights are not proving successful, such as split pushing or securing picks on isolated targets.

The existence of AFK players will always be present in League, but hopefully, Riot Games’ punishment system can deter them from participating in further matches until they learn their lesson and stop abandoning ongoing games.

Sett, Yasuo, League of Legends, AFK rates, champion, toxicity, gameplay, punishment system, aggression, mobility, team composition, split pushing.