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Neeko’s Dive into Abilities: A Blend of Jhin, LeBlanc, and Zyra

League of Legends’ newest champion, Neeko, was revealed today. The YouTube channel SrConstantine leaked her abilities before Riot could publish them, but Riot quickly released the information on the game’s website.

Despite her lore focusing on naivety and wonder, Neeko’s kit is full of trickery. She has brief invisibility, clones, a big skill-shot, and is known as “League’s Best Copycat.”

Neeko’s Abilities:

Passive: Inherent Glamour

Neeko’s passive allows her to disguise herself as an ally champion. Using her Q, E, or getting hit by an enemy breaks the illusion.

Q: Blooming Burst

Neeko’s Q is similar to Jhin’s grenade. If it kills an enemy, it bounces to another enemy and can chain multiple times.

W: Shapesplitter

Neeko’s W is a three-hit passive. Her third basic attack deals spell damage, and the ability’s active causes her to briefly disappear and re-appear with one clone.

E: Tangle-barbs

Neeko’s E is a skill-shot that damages and roots enemies. If it passes through at least two enemies, it grows in size, speed, and root duration.

R: Pop Blossom

Neeko’s ultimate is a big AoE explosion caused by her jumping into the air and landing. All enemies caught in the radius are stunned and take damage. If she’s disguised as another champion, enemies won’t see her charging up.

Neeko, League of Legends, new champion, abilities, passive, Blooming Burst, Shapesplitter, Tangle-barbs, Pop Blossom.