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Worlds 2016: H2K impressively handles pressure, surprising upset against EDG

H2K Wins Against EDG at Worlds

Bans: Tahm Kench, Jhin, Alistar, Syndra, Nidalee, Olaf

Top: Kennen, Poppy

Jungle: Rek’Sai, Elise

Mid: Ryze, Malzahar

ADC: Caitlyn, Ezreal

Support: Karma, Nami

Fresh off their win against AHQ, H2K-Gaming continued their momentum against EDward Gaming. Ryu earned first blood on Scout, but lost his life in return. Odoamne and Ryu picked up kills, giving H2K a 3-1 advantage.

H2K had better presence in all lanes, taking two tier one turrets while EDG only had one. However, EDG’s ClearLove picked up a double kill in the mid lane, equalizing the kill count.

H2K took EDG’s final tier one turret in the bot lane, but EDG retaliated with a four-man dive. EDG then took an Ocean Drake while H2K took EDG’s tier two top tower.

EDG secured the tier one mid turret, but H2K still had a 4-2 lead in turrets and a 3k gold lead. At the 25-minute mark, H2K rushed Baron and secured it, using the buff to take EDG’s tier two bottom turret and a Cloud Drake.

Both teams stalled for the next Baron, but H2K secured their second Infernal Drake. H2K won a fight in EDG’s jungle, taking a two-for-one advantage and securing Baron. H2K dominated the game, winning the final fight and destroying the EDG Nexus at 45 minutes.

H2K improves to 3-2, while EDward Gaming falls to 3-2. The rest of the games tonight will determine the quarterfinals team from Group C.

What has been your favorite moment from today’s action at Worlds? Let us know!

keywords: H2K, EDG, Worlds, esports, League of Legends