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Worlds 2016: Albus NoX Surprises, Secures Playoff Spot

ANX vs ROX: A Clash for the Ages

ANX, the underdogs, faced off against ROX in a thrilling match at Worlds. Let’s dive into the action.

Champions Picks and Bans

ANX Bans: Sivir, Rumble, Kennen

ROX Bans: Brand, Bard, Tahm Kench

Top Lane Battle

Top: Poppy vs Trundle

Jungle Showdown

Jungle: Nidalee vs Lee Sin

Mid Lane Clash

Mid: Vladimir vs Syndra

Botside Skirmish

ADC: Lucian vs Caitlyn

Support: Taric vs Alistar

Alexander “PvPStejos” Glazkov from ANX secured first blood by ganking Kuro’s Lee Sin early on. ANX continued to dominate the mid lane with successful ganks, giving Kira a significant advantage on Vladimir.

Despite Kuro’s struggles, ROX Tigers gained a CS advantage in the bot lane. However, ANX turned the game around with superior rotations and strategic skirmishes.

At 18 minutes, ROX Tigers managed to take a one-for-zero advantage in a mid lane fight. They started making successful rotations and picks, closing the gap with ANX.

In a game-changing fight at 26 minutes, ANX’s Smurf removed two ROX members with an ultimate from Poppy. This led to a free Baron and a significant gold lead for ANX.

With a 9k gold lead, Albus NoX relentlessly pushed down mid lane, taking an inhibitor at 34 minutes. ANX continued their siege and secured Elder Dragon at 45 minutes.

However, in a crucial fight, ROX Tigers managed to steal Baron and turn the tide in their favor. Despite an 8k gold deficit, ROX Tigers showed their superior teamfighting skills.

The game went back and forth, with ANX poking out ROX and retaking inhibitors. In a prolonged fight at 60 minutes, ANX came out on top, respawned, and secured Baron.

With their sieging advantage and Baron buff, ANX proved too strong for ROX Tigers. They destroyed ROX’s last nexus turret and emerged victorious after a grueling 65 minutes.

ANX’s win secured them a spot in the quarterfinals, while ROX Tigers still have a chance to advance if they defeat Counter Logic Gaming.

What are your thoughts on the Worlds action so far? Let us know in the comments or tweet us @GAMURScom.