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League of Legends PBE unveils upcoming changes and improvements to ADC items

League of Legends: Changes to Itemization for AD Carries

AD carry players in League of Legends are in for a shift in their itemization strategies. Riot Games is set to revamp the approach to Mythic items, making them more significant and introducing new additions. This change will require AD carries to make thoughtful choices throughout the game instead of sticking to a fixed build. Spideraxe, a reputable League insider, took to Twitter to share the details of the upcoming changes.

According to the changes on League’s PBE (Public Beta Environment), well-known items like Infinity Edge, Navori Quickblades, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and Youmuu’s Ghostblade have been promoted to Mythic status. On the other hand, Immortal Shieldbow and Kraken Slayers have been downgraded to Legendary status, resulting in a reduced price from 3,400 gold to 3,000 gold.

New Mythic Effects to Amplify Legendary Items

The new Mythic items in League of Legends will now have amplified effects on any Legendary items built. Here are some examples:

  • Navori Quickblades: Grants five Ability Haste to all Legendary items
  • Infinity Edge: Grants five Attack Damage to all Legendary items
  • Youmuu’s Ghostblade: Grants eight Attack Damage to all Legendary items
  • Guinsoo’s Rageblade: Grants five percent Armor Penetration and six percent Magic Penetration to all Legendary items

Additional adjustments are also in store for other ADC items such as Stormrazor, Rapid Firecannon, and Bloodthirster. These changes aim to provide a more balanced and impactful gameplay experience.

Furthermore, Statikk Shiv will make a return with a different set of attributes, including AD, attack speed, and crit chance. Its build path will involve Noonquiver, Kircheis Shard, and a Cloak of Agility, with Zeal being removed.

It’s worth noting that these changes will most likely be implemented after the Mid-Season Invitational, and not in Patch 13.9 or 13.10. Players will have to adapt to these updates and explore new itemization strategies for a competitive edge in the game.