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Team Liquid Finds New Jungle Talent in Reignover

The most popular player in the current offseason for League of Legends has officially joined Team Liquid. Kim “Reignover” Yeu-jin, who previously competed for Fnatic and Immortals, is now the new jungler for Team Liquid. Reignover’s role will involve guiding the team both in the game and outside of it, an area where Team Liquid has struggled in the past. This was evident in their documentary, “Breaking Point.”

Steve Arhancet, Liquid’s co-owner and CEO, praised Reignover as one of the best players in his position and highlighted his shot-calling, experience, and positive attitude. Arhancet is excited to see what Reignover can achieve with the new coaching and support staff.

Reignover not only brings strong leadership to Team Liquid but also outperforms former Team Liquid player Joshua “Dardoch” Hartnett as a jungler. His proficiency in the jungle was a key factor in Immortals’ success during the regular seasons of the Spring and Summer Splits of 2016. Immortals had an impressive 33-3 win/loss record.

However, Immortals struggled in the postseason and failed to make it past the semifinals in both the Spring and Summer Splits of the North American LCS. They also missed out on competing in the 2016 League World Championship.

Team Liquid hopes that Reignover can bring a positive influence to the team and serve as a veteran guide for the rest of the roster, which includes top laner Samson “Lourlo” Jackson, mid laner Greyson “Goldenglue” Gilmer, and support player Matthew “Matt” Elento.