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Evil Geniuses defeat Team Liquid in Week 2 of the 2020 LCS Summer Split

Evil Geniuses Defeat Team Liquid in LCS Summer Split

Evil Geniuses emerged victorious against Team Liquid in a dominating performance during the second week of the 2020 LCS Summer Split. The 28-minute match brought an end to Team Liquid’s winning streak and solidified Evil Geniuses’ position as one of the top-performing teams in the League of Legends region.

Gameplay Strategy and Results

Evil Geniuses focused heavily on the top side of the map, providing support to Colin “Kumo” Zhao on the Volibear pick. Jiizuke roamed the map frequently using Twisted Fate’s ultimate ability to assist the jungler in fights, securing kills and gaining an advantage over Jensen.

With their strategic gameplay, Evil Geniuses claimed both Rift Heralds without any contest, resulting in tower advantages across all lanes. Taking advantage of the Rift Heralds, the team secured tier-one towers in all three lanes before Team Liquid could even secure their first turret.

Continuing their control over the map, Evil Geniuses obtained an uncontested Baron and proceeded to split their players across the three lanes. They swiftly destroyed each of the inhibitors and both Nexus turrets. In the final teamfight, the Baron-buffed minions ravaged Team Liquid’s Nexus, bringing the game to a quick conclusion in just 28 minutes.

Teams’ Performance and Standings

Team Liquid began the Summer Split strongly by defeating TSM, Golden Guardians, and 100 Thieves in their first three matches. Evil Geniuses also achieved victories against 100 Thieves and CLG in their initial games. However, they suffered a defeat at the hands of the defending LCS Spring champions, Cloud9, in the previous match.

Currently, Evil Geniuses, CLG, and Team Liquid are tied in second place with a 3-1 record. Cloud9 leads the standings, having not lost a single match. Later in the day, Cloud9 will face off against Golden Guardians to maintain their first-place position.

[ Evil Geniuses, Team Liquid, LCS Summer Split, League of Legends, top-performing teams, gameplay strategy, Rift Herald, Nexus turrets, standings, Cloud9, rankings]