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Palworld’s latest update introduces hidden characters for players to battle

Discovering New NPCs in Palworld’s Raid Update

Not all secrets are great to discover, but Pocketpair made sure you have a fun time with Palworld’s Raid update by secretly adding some new NPCs to challenge while exploring Palpagos Island.

Meeting Pal Tamers Across Palworld

While it wasn’t mentioned in the April 4 patch notes, besides the usual PIDF officers, merchants, and the infamous Black Marketeer, players are now apparently running into a new kind of character called Pal Tamers across the map. According to this Reddit post and several others, you can interact with them in a conversation and choose to battle them “to the death.”

Exploring the Map for Pal Tamers

Pal Tamers spawn across multiple locations on the Palworld map, and their level depends on the map area you are currently in. You can encounter Pal Tamers of up to Level 50 as you explore the harsher regions of the map. They also have different adjectives in front of their title based on their strength: newbie, vigorous, cruel, and more. The higher their level is, the stronger their pet Pal will be—so be prepared for the fight before accepting it.

Capturing Pal Tamers and Their Pets

While we haven’t been able to capture one ourselves yet, players should be able to catch a Pal Tamer by throwing a Pal Sphere like they can for other NPCs in Palworld. Of course, the capture rate is negligible for humans, so be ready to waste a few Spheres before you can get one. Use the rarest Sphere you can spare for the best chance to capture a Pal Tamer.

But before you waste a crucial Pal Sphere, know that Pal Tamers may not be very useful to have in your Palworld base. One player apparently captured a Level 50 Pal Tamer, and they kept asking to duel. Not very interesting, is it?

In case you are wondering, you can also capture the creatures Pal Tamers summon. Just throw a suitable kind of Sphere like you do for other Pals in Palworld.

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