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Amumu’s recent buffs make him overpowered, prompting Riot to consider nerfs

Amumu Nerfs Coming in Next Patch

Amumu, one of the weakest junglers in League of Legends, received major buffs in the last patch. However, these buffs were too powerful and Riot is planning to nerf him in the next patch.

Before the patch went live, the buff on the Public Beta Environment (PBE) seemed too strong to last. It reworked Amumu’s passive to cause enemies hit by his basic attacks to take 15% of incoming magic damage as true damage. This made Amumu overpowered.

With the buff, champions like Lux, Syndra, and Katarina could deal true damage if they had Amumu on their side. While it was refreshing to see more mages in the game, it became frustrating to be instantly killed by a Syndra ultimate because of Amumu’s presence.

Riot quickly realized the mistake and pushed nerfs to Amumu’s passive on the PBE. The true damage conversion was initially reduced to 8%, but it was later increased to 10% due to its harshness. Although it’s a 5% nerf from the current passive in the live client, it still makes a significant difference when dealing with high amounts of magic damage.

For example, with Amumu’s current passive, Syndra’s ultimate dealing 800 damage would make 120 of that true damage. After the nerf to 10%, it would only deal 80 true damage.

If the nerf makes it to the next patch, it will likely be released in a couple of weeks, as patches are usually released three weeks apart.

Amumu in a Better Place After Nerfs

Even with the nerfs, Amumu will still be in a better place than before the buffs, but he won’t be ridiculously overpowered anymore.

Amumu, League of Legends, buff, nerf, PBE, passive, true damage, mages, Syndra, Lux, Katarina, patch