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The upcoming update for Jax is highlighting the need for over 40 champions in LoL to receive a similar treatment

League of Legends Players are Calling for Visual Updates to Decade-Old Champions

Every year, there is a lot of excitement surrounding the release of new champions in League of Legends. However, many long-standing champions have been left behind when it comes to much-needed visual updates. Riot Games has recognized this issue and has been working to address it, with Jax being the latest champion to receive a visual update.

Many Players Still Favor Decade-Old Champions

In League of Legends’ 12-year history, Riot has introduced a total of 163 unique champions. However, most players tend to stick with their favorite champions rather than trying out new ones each year. For these players, champions like Jax, Ashe, Blitzcrank, and others are not visually appealing in their default skins.

Players Voice Their Concerns

In a recent Reddit post, a player compiled a list of the oldest champions in League of Legends that have yet to receive any visual updates. This list includes 42 champions, with 10 of them being released in the game’s first year (2009) and never receiving any visual updates since then.

Players on the Reddit thread also expressed their opinions on which champions need a visual makeover. Vladimir, Corki, and Veigar were among the popular champions mentioned as needing improvements in their models and animations.

One player shared their frustrating experience playing as Rumble, mentioning how the lackluster animations without the super galaxy skin affected their gameplay.

Players Urge for Faster Updates

Some players called for Riot to increase the speed at which they update old champions, suggesting that one or two updates per year is not enough. They believe that Riot should aim for at least five updates per year to address the backlog of champions in need of visual updates.

Riot Games Remains Dedicated Despite Challenges

Despite the frustrations expressed by players, Riot Games deserves recognition for their commitment to updating old champions. It may take time to complete the updates, but their efforts are still commendable.

League of Legends, visual updates, champions, Riot Games, Jax, Ashe, Blitzcrank, Vladimir, Corki, Veigar, Rumble