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Niantic Pledges to Address Various Pokémon Go Glitches, Including the Malfunctioning Showcase Feature

Niantic recently introduced the much-awaited PokéStop Showcase feature in Pokémon Go. However, this new addition has been overshadowed by game-breaking issues. Fans are unhappy and have voiced their concerns on social media. Niantic has promised a fix in the next software update.

Show Off Your Pokémon

The PokéStop Showcase lets players show their Pokémon’s unique traits at certain PokéStops. You could compete to find the biggest or smallest Pokémon of a type. Winners get cool prizes. Just enter your Pokémon and see how it does against others.

Issues with the New Feature

But, players have hit some bumps. Those who’ve entered three contests can’t change their Pokémon. Some can’t even find any Showcases. Niantic plans to solve the switching problem with an upcoming update. They also said Showcases will be back on July 9.

On top of that, players are running into weird issues. Some face overlapping Pokémon clusters on the map, which makes it hard to interact with them. Niantic is aware and promises a fix in the next version of the game.

Player Frustration Grows

Players are frustrated with these bugs. Last June, a bug that players liked was quickly fixed by Niantic. This has made some doubt Niantic’s urgency in solving current problems that make the game less fun. Players feel more like customers than gamers. Some suggest that fixing a popular exploit might be the answer, but that could turn off many players.

We all hope the next update fixes these issues so we can enjoy Pokémon Go again.