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Riot Reveals Upcoming Visual Update for Next LoL Champion and Shares Skarner Rework Details with Players

League of Legends’ Champion Jax to Receive Visual Update

Riot Games has announced that the next champion to receive a visual update in League of Legends will be Jax. Known as one of the game’s top laners, Jax’s visuals have become outdated compared to newer champions. Riot’s art and narrative teams will be working to refresh Jax’s look throughout the year.

Image via Riot Games

Jax is one of the original champions in League, debuting in 2009 alongside Annie, Master Yi, Alistar, and Ashe. While he has undergone some visual refreshes, his appearance has grown stale compared to newer champions and reworks.

Riot will be updating Jax’s visuals, including his model, animations, visual effects, splash arts for older cosmetics, and voiceover. Additionally, a new backstory has been given to explain why Jax fights with a brazier stave instead of a real weapon. The brazier is the last item he has from his destroyed hometown, Icathia.

Image via Riot Games

No information was provided regarding Skarner’s visual and gameplay update. The development team aims to release it in early 2023, ensuring a fun and balanced experience for both allies and opponents.

Skarner joined League two years after its launch, making him one of the oldest champions. His appearance and gameplay have not changed significantly, leading to his categorization as one of the least popular champions in terms of visual appeal and character style.