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How to Capture Emolga in Pokémon Go

Getting Your Hands on Emolga in Pokémon Go

Emolga, the Electric/Flying-type Pokémon from Gen V, looks a lot like Pikachu. This flying squirrel joined Pokémon Go, allowing players to add it to their Pokédex in various ways.

Basic Way to Catch Emolga

Seeing Emolga in the wild is the most straightforward approach. Finding one might take a while, but they do pop up as standard wild encounters.

Emolga doesn’t evolve, so catching it directly is your only shot.

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Special Events and More

Special events and opportunities can also help you catch Emolga. It has shown up in Raid Battles, Eggs, and Field Research before. Events can boost your chances to encounter Emolga, even offering shiny versions. These are prime times to hunt for one.

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If Emolga isn’t featured in current events, keep an eye out in the wild or wait for future events. Pokémon Go always has new events lined up, so your chance to catch Emolga is just around the corner.