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Larvesta Spotlights the Tiring Progression Issues in Pokémon Go

The Struggle with Larvesta in Pokémon Go

Players of Pokémon Go are finding it tough to hatch Larvesta, a key player in the An Instinctive Hero event from May 2 to 8. There are two big reasons. First, Larvesta rarely hatches, and second, getting Larvesta Candy by walking takes a lot of time. This is harder because Adventure Sync often fails. These issues show big problems with how Pokémon Go progresses.

Egg hatch rates have been a big topic lately. This week, many players find it hard to hatch even one Larvesta. Some players have opened 25 Eggs and got none. Niantic says players must be very lucky to get one.

The Hard Road to Evolve Larvesta

To evolve Larvesta into Volcarona, players need 400 Larvesta Candy. Eggs seemed the best way to get this candy. But due to low hatch rates, players lucky to get one must make it their Buddy Pokémon. They get one Larvesta Candy every 5 km walked. That means they need to walk 2,000 km for the evolution, which players find ridiculous.

The backup plan, using Adventure Sync, doesn’t work well either. It’s supposed to track distances with the app closed, but it’s not reliable.

Look for a Solution

What can players do? They hope for fairer event hatch rates, but don’t expect much to change soon. If Niantic fixed Adventure Sync, that would help. But it would still take a long time to get all the needed Larvesta Candy. Many players are fed up. Some are even thinking of quitting.

This challenge is not helping Pokémon Go’s popularity at all.