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Niantic Unveils the Reality Behind Shiny Raid Bosses in Pokémon Go Following Primal Groudon Incident

Many Pokémon Go players thought catching Shiny Pokémon in raids was easy. They believed these Pokémon wouldn’t fight much when caught. Some players even said they caught Shiny Pokémon with just one PokéBall. Others agreed, mentioning their many successful catches. But, this belief was wrong. Niantic’s customer service explained this to a player who couldn’t catch a Shiny Primal Groudon.

Not a Sure Thing

The Pokémon rep said, “Shiny Legendary or Raid Boss Pokémon are not guaranteed catches.” Just like any Pokémon, they can escape or break free.

Niantic Unveils the Reality Behind Shiny Raid Bosses in Pokémon Go Following Primal Groudon Incident

Many players were shocked by this. They thought the failed catch might be because the player was too far from where they found the Pokémon. Or maybe the game’s location tracking failed. Players understand that these issues can happen. So, Niantic’s statement on not guaranteeing Shiny Raid Bosses makes sense. Still, if no issues occur, catching them should be smooth.

Debate Continues

While some debate this, Niantic’s statement brings clarity. Now, players might approach these battles more cautiously, knowing the truth.

Key Takeaways

– Catching Shiny Pokémon in raids isn’t guaranteed.
– Players need to prepare for these encounters, knowing Pokémon can escape.
– Niantic has clarified the situation, ending much of the speculation.

Now, with this insight, players can adjust their strategies and keep their excitement in check during raids. The adventure of catching Shiny Pokémon in Pokémon Go continues, but with a new level of understanding.