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Latest Pokémon News: Players Spooked by Scary Go Glitch, While New Magikarp and Gyarados OCG Cards Create a Stir

Glitches can scare you big time. A Pokémon Go player found this out after a glitch trapped them in a stadium. This place was full of huge eyes watching them. In other Pokémon news, excitement builds as two more cards, Magikarp and Gyarados, are revealed for the upcoming Triplet Beat subset.

Giant Eyes in the Stadium

A Pokémon Go player freaked out during a glitch. It made all eyes in the stadium watch their Gym Battle. It’s a mystery how or why this happened. Some players think these eyes might belong to Carracosta, but it’s hard to say for sure. This creepy scene shocked the player and others who saw it. It felt like a scene fit for a horror movie, not Valentine’s Day.

New Cards Revealed

The Pokémon OCG is bringing exciting news. Two favorites, Magikarp and Gyarados, join the Triplet Beat subset. Magikarp might seem weak with only 30 HP and its Skilled Jump. This move does 10 damage, except when a coin flip lands heads twice, then it does 30. Gyarados is a powerhouse with 180 HP. It has two strong moves. Revenge Storm does 80 or 180 damage, depending on your prize cards. Berserker Tackle hits with 200 damage but hurts Gyarados with 50.

The Egg Problem

Pokémon Go players love collecting and hatching eggs. But they’re frustrated with no way to get rid of unwanted eggs. They have to hatch them, which fills their inventory. This means they could miss out on special event-themed eggs. With an event like the Pokémon Go Tour: Hoenn coming, players are urging Niantic to let them discard eggs.

Some doubt it will happen. They think making players buy incubators is too profitable for Niantic. Others say it’s because you can’t discard eggs in any Pokémon game. They suggest it’s to prevent unethical gameplay.

This situation has sparked a lot of chatter. Players are voicing their concerns, hoping for a change. They want to enjoy the game without the hassle of unwanted eggs. So, let’s see if Niantic listens and makes a change for the better.