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Tyler1’s 40-day EUW Challenger grind showcases mastery of every LoL champion

Tyler1 has finally completed his mission in League of Legends. After 44 days, he has reached the Challenger rank on the EUW server. Previously, Tyler1 has achieved Challenger in five different roles. This time, it took him around 800 games to climb the ranks on the account named FREEDOMFIGHTER28.

In his climb, Tyler1 used various champions. According to OP.GG, Cho’Gath was one of the main champions he used, appearing in 90 games. However, his most played champions were Nautilus, Karthus, and Ivern, with 106, 131, and 191 games respectively. Tyler1 had the highest win rates with Cho’Gath and Karthus, winning over 60% of the games played.

Overall, Tyler1 used 28 different champions during his climb. Most of his games were played in the top lane or as an AD carry. Some of the champions he used include Ivern, Karthus, Nautilus, Cho’Gath, Olaf, Jarvan IV, Draven, Heimerdinger, Urgot, Tristana, Wukong, Karma, Pyke, Annie, Gangplank, Amumu, Brand, Malphite, Quinn, Ashe, Nami, Blitzcrank, Rakan, Ezreal, Lux, Lee Sin, Mordekaiser, and Hecarim.

Unfortunately, Tyler1 had a 0% win rate on Quinn, Rakan, Lee Sin, Mordekaiser, and Hecarim, but he only played them a total of nine times. Despite this, Tyler1’s achievement is highly commendable. It is uncertain if he will now return to North America or if he will take on another challenge in League of Legends.