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How to Duplicate Shiny Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

How to Duplicate Shiny Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Pokémon fans are always on the lookout for rare and elusive shiny Pokémon. These special Pokémon feature alternate colorations and are highly sought after by trainers. While acquiring shiny Pokémon through traditional methods can be time-consuming and luck-based, some players have discovered a technique to duplicate these precious creatures in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Here’s how you can do it too.

What You’ll Need

Before you begin, make sure you have the following items ready:
– Your Pokémon Scarlet or Violet game cartridge
– A Nintendo Switch console or any compatible device
– A stable internet connection

The Duplication Process

To duplicate shiny Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, follow these simple steps:

1. Prepare your party: Ensure that the shiny Pokémon you wish to duplicate is in your party.
2. Connect online: Connect your Nintendo Switch to the internet.
3. Open the Y-COMM feature: Access the Y-COMM feature on your console.
4. Initiate a trade: Search for a trade using the Link Code feature. Set a unique Link Code that you and your trading partner agree upon.
5. Trade with a friend: Trade with a friend or fellow trainer who knows the duplication method. Ensure that your trading partner understands the process as well.
6. Start the trade: Begin the trade and offer the shiny Pokémon you want to duplicate. Your trading partner should offer a different Pokémon of equal value in return.
7. Confirm the trade: Once both players have confirmed the trade, press the “Home” button on your console.
8. Enter Sleep Mode: Allow your console to enter Sleep Mode by pressing the “Sleep” button.
9. Wake up your console: After a few seconds, wake up your console from Sleep Mode by pressing the “Power” button.
10. Complete the trade: Return to Pokémon Scarlet or Violet and complete the trade with your trading partner.
11. Check your party: Check your party, and you’ll find that the shiny Pokémon you traded away is still in your possession.
12. Repeat as desired: You can repeat this process to duplicate multiple shiny Pokémon.

Important Considerations

Here are a few important points to keep in mind while duplicating shiny Pokémon:

– Make sure you trust your trading partner, as this method relies on their cooperation.
– Only duplicate Pokémon that you legitimately obtained.
– Remember that excessive duplication can diminish the value and excitement of owning shiny Pokémon.
– Be aware that using unauthorized methods to duplicate Pokémon may result in penalties or restrictions.

Now that you know how to duplicate shiny Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, take caution and enjoy the process responsibly. Happy hunting, trainers!