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Gen.G stays in the race for the top spot with an intense win against Griffin

Gen.G Keeps First Place Hopes Alive with Close Victory over Griffin

In an incredibly close match, Gen.G secured a 2-0 victory against Griffin, the top team in the LCK, to maintain their hopes for first place.

After suffering a 0-2 loss against KT Rolster on Tuesday, Gen.G had a chance to redeem themselves against Griffin, the team they have been trying to catch up to throughout the Summer Split.

Gen.G took full advantage of this opportunity and dominated game one. They drafted a composition with lane bullies to counter Griffin’s jungle Kindred pick. Without any pushing lanes, Griffin’s jungler, Lee “Tarzan” Seung-yong, struggled to secure his target marks within Gen.G’s jungle.

During the laning phase, Griffin couldn’t secure any leads. Their champions required time and gold to reach their power spikes, leaving them powerless to stop Gen.G’s aggression.

However, the real excitement began in game two. Griffin managed to get their Kindred composition running and had control over Summoner’s Rift and everything on the map, including Gen.G.

For the first 20 minutes of game two, Gen.G’s top laner, Lee “CuVee” Seong-jin, saved them from being aced multiple times with his disengage play on Gnar.

But thanks to a mistake by Griffin, Gen.G made an impressive comeback. They managed to take all of Griffin’s turrets. However, just as they found their lead through a teamfight, they lost it when Griffin secured the Elder Drake.

Seconds away from their Nexus being destroyed, Gen.G put up an incredible last stand once their players respawned. They not only saved their Nexus from being destroyed by just two auto attacks but also aced Griffin, allowing them to end the match.

With only two points behind Griffin in the standings, Gen.G will face SK Telecom T1 on July 29 as they continue their quest for first place.

Gen.G, Griffin, LCK, victory, dominant game, comeback, first place, standings, SK Telecom T1.