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Where to find Eiscue in Pokémon Sword and Shield

Where to Find Eiscue in Pokémon Sword and Shield

Eiscue, the penguin-like Pokémon, is quite a challenge to find in Pokémon Sword and Shield. In this guide, we will help you locate this elusive Pokémon.

Route 10

One of the locations where Eiscue can be found is Route 10. This route is nestled between Circhester and Wyndon. To increase your chances of encountering Eiscue, we recommend roaming in snowy weather conditions.

Max Raid Battles

Another method to encounter Eiscue is by participating in Max Raid Battles. Keep an eye out for Eiscue Raids and join them to have a chance to catch this unique Pokémon for your team. These battles will allow you to team up with other players to take down a powerful Eiscue.

Snowslide Slope

Snowslide Slope is a popular location for Eiscue sightings. It can be accessed by traveling through Circhester and reaching the slope next to Route 9. Similar to Route 10, Eiscue is more likely to appear during snowfall.

Iceberg Ruins

Iceberg Ruins, located within the Crown Tundra DLC, also has a chance of featuring Eiscue. Explore this frosty area to potentially encounter Eiscue and add it to your collection.

Remember, Eiscue is a rare Pokémon, so don’t get discouraged if you can’t find it right away. Patience and persistence are key to successfully catching this icy little creature. Good luck on your search!