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Mortal Kombat 1 player discovers locked chest requiring DLC character for access

The Paywalled Chest in Mortal Kombat 11 Discovered by Player

A Mortal Kombat 11 player has recently stumbled upon an intriguing discovery in the game. They have found a chest that can only be opened with a DLC character.

The chest, which is locked behind a paywall, requires players to possess the Kombat Pack 2 to access its contents. The Kombat Pack 2 is an additional downloadable content that brings new characters and features to the game.

Once the player attempted to open the chest without the necessary DLC character, they were met with a message stating the requirement to have the character in order to unlock it. This discovery has sparked discussion and debates within the Mortal Kombat community.

Some players argue that locking content behind a paywall is unfair and can limit the experience for those who do not wish to purchase additional DLC. On the other hand, others believe that this is a reasonable business model for developers to offer additional content for players who are willing to pay for it.

The Mortal Kombat series has had a long history of providing extra content through DLC, including additional characters, skins, and stages. While some players appreciate the opportunity to expand their gameplay experience, others find it frustrating that certain content is only accessible through additional purchases.

This discovery once again raises the question of how developers should handle additional content in fighting games. Finding the right balance between offering exciting new features and not alienating players who are unwilling or unable to make additional purchases is a challenge.

It remains to be seen whether this paywalled chest will be modified by the developers or if it will stay as-is. In the meantime, players without the necessary DLC character will have to decide whether to invest in the additional content or accept that they will miss out on the chest’s contents.