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Worlds 2016: Team SoloMid vs. Splyce Match Recap

In this article, we will be recapping the Group Stage match between Team SoloMid (NA LCS) and Splyce (EU LCS).

Picks and Bans

TSM Bans; Splyce Bans

Team SoloMid banned Kassadin and Nidalee.

Splyce banned Jayce and Lee Sin.

TSM Picks; Splyce Picks

Team SoloMid picked Gnar and Syndra.

Splyce picked Irelia and Vladimir.

The Game


In the first five minutes, Splyce secured the first blood but TSM quickly traded it back. Both teams lost their jungler, but Team SoloMid used six summoner spells compared to Splyce’s one. Splyce took the first turret of the game, but TSM traded it back and also took the first dragon, maintaining their gold lead.


In the early game, TSM engaged in a team fight but didn’t gain much from it. Splyce managed to equalize with two kills. However, TSM quickly recovered and gained a few picks in the top lane and jungle. They then rotated to the mid-lane, taking down the tier two turret and securing their second dragon. From there, TSM snowballed their advantage, continuously pushing the base and repeating the process.


The late-game was short-lived as TSM systematically took down the inhibitors one by one. Eventually, they turned to the Nexus turrets and the Nexus, while Splyce accepted defeat and let TSM end the game in less than 30 minutes.

If you want to follow the author, Ryan Kish, you can find him on Twitter or contact him via email at [email protected]

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